Salaams and Salutations Beauties,
Its HOT in the CITY!! 100 degrees here in the DC area. I pray you are staying cool and hydrated where EVER you are.
So when its hot and heavy outside..What is a hijabi/mujalbaba to do? I wear cool and light colors with light and thin hijabs. Need some linen styles? Check out Creative Overgarments (dot) com. Sister Tawanda is doing it up. Providing sisters with unique and creative styles to wear. Now I purchased linen for my overgarments..but one can purchase heavier fabrics for the winter.
In June she ran a special: 3 overgarments for $95 dollars and free shipping. It basically came out to 'buy two get one free'. Customers provide the fabric, that's fine with me. Below are pics of the three styles I choose.

*photos taken by K.Cohen with HTC cell phone
I have worn two so far. Lots of complements. Lots of interest.
For July Sister Tawanda the special is '$35 overgarments w/ 2 details w/ free shipping and fast turnaround time. Material not included.' Turn around time is fast and Sister Tawanda is very much the business women. She will save your measurements in her database so you only need to send them once. She makes sure her clients are satisfied to they can order again.
Looking for something for EID? Get on it how!! Fabric is on sale till Labor Day.
B Beautiful!!
Umm Amirah
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah
The garments are very nice and this sister knows her stuff...great sewer, masha Allaah. Shukrn, for sharing this with us !
Lastly, I was viewing another young ladys site which is a natural hair site
above is where you can view the article in which i felt I had to comment and from reading that article i was directed to this
OMG...and then I saw you, alhamdulliaah!!!( lol) I was like I know her ( in my head ...shes my in my head friend , lol)
I loooooove the entire concept I support you sisters all the way ...I allowed my oldest daughter and my middle daughter watch the video from cnn as well to show them once they reach college they can be a part of this, insha alaah ta aala. You ladies look beautiful...I love the bond of true sisterhood and just to see it put chills on my is such a beautiful thing!!!!
Take care.
Walaikum Salaam, you see I live various lives. I saw the post and appreciate your post. Insha~allah, we are changing the perception of WHAT a Sorority can be. We pray to improve and expand more in the next couple of years.
I'm glad you like the designs. Insha~allah you and your daughters may like her styles..
Ma salaama
Umm Amirah
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